I have totally forgotten to tell our results... :/  First three results are from Special show on Saturday, fourth from 'normal show' on Sunday

HQ Ace of Spades EX1 CACS
AprioriNaked Boccaccio EX1 CAPS
Bare Essentials VIII Iara EX1 CAC
Zeldtrix Bat Out Of Hell EX1 CAC

On Sat Casper and Tiara also got special prices.

It was so exhausting weekend... Absolutely fun but exhausting :)


Out next show will be in Tampere this weekend. Bat will be there on Saturday and I'll be there on Sunday with Jolle and Tiara. I hope Tiara gets her 3rd cert, then she would become champion! :)

You can also meet me and my cat in Musti ja Mirri Klaukkala on Saturday  at noon :) It's RC Cat days happening and I'll tell about sphynxs. 

I will also be in Ery-Syd cat show on Saturday 9.10.2010. I'm not bringing cats but I'll bring SUREX info table there and I can't wait to talk about cats all day long. :D

Also I would like to remind about cat gene research, SUREX is organizing opportunity to support this recearch and give blood sample from your rex or sphynx (for free) Oct 23, 2010 in Vantaa, Musti ja Mirri Pakkala.  Please ask me about more information! :)