We have received mail from Winn Feline Foundation and they have now received our donation! :D


Olemme saaneet postia Winn Feline Foudationilta, ja he ovat nyt vastaanottaneet lahjoituksemme minkä saimme myydessämme sfinxkalentereita! :D



Relating to subject, I was listening on Tuesday a lecture

The Genetic Science of Cats - Genetic tests, domestication of the cat and diversity of breeds 

Prof Leslie A. Lyons, PhD 
Department of Population Health & Reproduction (PHR) 
School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM), University of California, Davis 

Leslie A. Lyons is one of researchers who are actually doing this sphynx HCM-test research! It was very interesting lecture, although HCM-tests had just a small part in whole lecture.


Aiheeseen liittyen, olin tiistaina kuuntelemassa luentoa

The Genetic Science of Cats - Genetic tests, domestication of the cat and diversity of breeds 

Professori Leslie A. Lyons, PhD 
Department of Population Health & Reproduction (PHR) 
School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM), University of California, Davis 

Leslie A Lyons on yksi niistä tutkijoista jotka todellakin tekevät myös sfinxien HCM-tutkimusta! Luento oli todella mielenkiintoinen, vaikka HCM-testijutut olikin hyvin pieni osa koko luentoa.